Below please find a link with the particulars of Dan's recent passing. He is now on eternal watch along with his other MCL542 brothers from other mothers who have been interred in Boscawen NH NH State Veterans Cemetery.
Dan was a solid member of the GSD542 and was passionate about his position of Scout Liaison chair. Dan was diligently following the affairs of Scout units within our area of jurisdiction to be sure that our detachment was personally able to present to the new Eagles the Marine Corps League distinguished citizenship award.
He was able to bring under his stewardship newly minted member Kaylee Bass not only a prior service woman Marine but likewise herself a scout leader of the troop 99B of Goffstown NH, who has been happy to continue the hard work that Dan has gotten underway in the Scout movement.
Dan was raised by his mother and two brothers when his father passed away when Dan was much younger. All three attained the rank of Eagle Scout.
Another moment of joy and pleasure was when Dan told me that he and his wife to be Peggy, were very much in love and ready to get married, however, he and Peggy had agreed to delay any marriage until he returned from his deployment to Vietnam. He had no intention of running the risk of leaving a new bride and any child(ren) behind as had happened when his own father passed away at a young age.
I have given Peggy the information that she needs to arrange for two local active duty Marines to present the flag at his interment in Boscawen as well as myself arranging for an honor detail of Marine Corps League members at his interment.
Joe Duquette and I will perform the Marine Corps League religious ritual at the funeral home as well as the ritual at the interment service in Boscawen NH.
If any of you have any questions, please reach out to me by email or phone 603-566-0687.
The Marine ethos:
Alieni Semel, Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratres et Sorores in Aeternum!
Strangers Once, Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers and Sisters Forever
Quidam Dedit Omnibus
All Gave Some, Some Gave All
Gary A. Gahan
Commandant Granite State Detachment 542 MCL