248th Marine Corps Birthday Ball
Marines and family at long last the 25th Mar Reg is putting on a Marine Corps Ball this year in Nashua NH. Pricey on the surface to say the least, however, I can assure you that these Marines will make it well worth your while if you plan on attending.
For full details on the event please see the attachment for the 248th Marine Corps Birthday Ball.
Kindly email me with your interest in attending and I will reach out to have tables set aside for the Marine Corps League members, spouses and guests in attendance. I realize that it is a bit away however I would like to have a tentative head count as soon as possible so that I may reach out regarding a request for table reservations.
Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratres et Sorores in Aeternum!
Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers and Sisters Forever