Announcement New Post Created in the Granite State Detachment 542 Greeter
I have appointed Joey Duquette of our detachment as the official Greeter for our detachment meetings, FUNday breakfasts on the last Saturday of the month and any other events where Joey will be a most effective greeter.
Joey will also be responsible to see that each member and guest likewise, greets the other members present prior to the start of an will be greeted with Joey's new special kind of "fist bump".
Please join me in welcoming Joey to his new position.
Joe Duquette stands on his fine fishing craft posing with his 35 inch, 3 pound pickerel that he caught in Lake Massabesic on Friday the 11th of August with his son Joey Duquette, our new greeter.
For Joe's special way to enjoy the flavor of pickerel....